
creditors & Debtors law

How Long Does It Take Before A Creditor Can Garnish My Wages?

How Long Does It Take Before A Creditor Can Garnish My Wages? 240 200 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

How long does it take before a creditor you owe money to can garnish your paycheck? In practical terms, about three months. How much can each particular creditor get? Typically ten percent of your gross earnings that is above minimum wage. Consider the following calculation: lets say you make $20.00 an hour, and the minimum…

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Eviction Notice Bankruptcy Law

Can My Landlord Evict Me If I Filed For Bankruptcy?

Can My Landlord Evict Me If I Filed For Bankruptcy? 275 184 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

If you have been paying your rent every month and have been following the rules set forth in your renter’s agreement, you should not be concerned. Many debtors and individuals considering filing for bankruptcy are worried that their landlord may pursue eviction proceedings or refuse to sign a new agreement when their lease term expires.…

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Flushing Away Bankruptcy Concerns

Bankruptcy VS. Debt Consolidation & Rebuilding Your Credit

Bankruptcy VS. Debt Consolidation & Rebuilding Your Credit 240 135 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

If you have been accumulating debt in the past few years and are now buried in liabilities, you might be contemplating between bankruptcy and debt consolidation. Filing for bankruptcy is recommended when creditor negotiation is unlikely, or you are unable to pay creditors a fraction of your debt, if anything at all. Bankruptcy can be…

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debt causes bankruptcy

Why Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney? A True Story

Why Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney? A True Story 225 225 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

Typically I file all of my bankruptcy clients’ cases through the internet by a service called E-file. Last week I had to physically visit the Eastern District Bankruptcy Court to file a case because the e-filing system was down. While waiting for the clerk to input my client’s information into the court’s database, I saw…

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A NYC Bankruptcy Lawyers Piggy Bank

5 “Must Knows” Before Filing For Bankruptcy

5 “Must Knows” Before Filing For Bankruptcy 275 183 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

Bankruptcy has the power to eliminate an overwhelming load of debt and offer you a fresh start that you may so desperately need. If you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, this article will briefly educate you of certain aspects of the process to help you make an informed decision as to whether bankruptcy is…

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welcome to Mishiyeva Bankruptcy Law

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Do I Need To Appear In Court?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Do I Need To Appear In Court? 225 225 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

If you are filing for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and you have no substantial assets such as real estate, expensive jewelry, an antique collection, and so forth, you will not have to appear in front of a judge. Unless a creditor objects to a particular debt or your discharge, you generally will only have to…

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chapter7 bankruptcy judge

Cherry-Picking Which Creditors to Pay in Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Cherry-Picking Which Creditors to Pay in Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 259 194 MISHIYEVA LAW Bankruptcy Lawyer NYC

Who says you can’t pick and choose which creditors to keep paying and which to discharge in your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? The bankruptcy trustee that’s who.  In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy proceeding, as soon as you file a petition, the court appoints a trustee- an impartial individual and lawyer – whose duty includes administering your…

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